Statewide Student Research Symposium

The 2025 Symposium will be hosted by

Arizona State University on April 18-19, 2025 

The annual Arizona NASA Space Grant Consortium (AZSGC) Student Research Symposium is a statewide event that includes student presentations from The University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and AZSGC community colleges and high schools. The Symposium consists of presentations on a variety of topics based on research completed by Space Grant interns, scholars and ASCEND teams during the current academic year.

To present at the Symposium, students must submit abstracts, posters (if applicable), and PowerPoint presentations. Abstracts, RSVPs and presentations must be submitted no later than the applicable dates listed below. Students attending the Symposium should communicate with their respective school's program office to learn about travel and lodging arrangements.

Important Symposium Dates

Click on the links below to submit abstracts and presentations on or before the due date listed. Review these resources for creating documents and presenting at this event. *All deadlines are at 11:59 PM Arizona time unless otherwise noted.

March 21, 2025Due: Student Abstracts & RSVPs
March 21, 2025Due: Mentor & Management RSVPs
April 4, 2025Due: Intern PowerPoint Presentations
April 4, 2025Due: Spring 2025 AZSGC Graduating Seniors Degree Completion Form
April 11, 2025Due: ASCEND Team Poster Presentations and (if applicable) PowerPoint presentations
April 18, 2025Keynote Speaker, Graduating Senior Award Ceremony and Networking Reception
April 19, 2025AZSGC Statewide Symposium!

Important Symposium Details

Friday Events: Keynote Speaker & Networking

Friday, April 18, 2025

Attire: Business Casual

6:00-6:30pm: Arrival, check-in to receive your name badge

6:30-7:30pm: Keynote speaker, Q&A

7:30-8:00pm: Graduating Senior Award Ceremony

8:00-9:00pm Networking reception

Event Location

Location: Arizona State University

Building: ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration Building (ISTB4)
781 Terrace Mall
Tempe, AZ 85287

Parking Instructions: Park in the Rural Road Parking Garage, 1100 S. Rural Road. There are three parking entrances/exits; please make sure to use the North entrance for the fastest route to ISTB4.

A parking validation will be provided to attendees upon departing the event.

Keynote Speaker: 

Carlos Garcia-Galan, NASA Gateway Deputy Program Director

Carlos Garcia-Galan is the Deputy Manager for the Gateway Program, bringing more than 27 years of experience in human spaceflight to this role. In this position, he supports the overall management and development of Gateway, a key element of NASA’s Artemis campaign that will enable sustainable lunar exploration and provide a foundation for missions to Mars.

Previously, Garcia-Galan served as the Manager of the Orion Program’s European Service Module (ESM) Integration Office at the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. In this role, he was responsible for the integration of the European Space Agency-developed ESM, including design activities, assembly, and testing with other modules of the Orion spacecraft.

Official portrait of Carlos Garcia-Galan, deputy manager for the Gateway Program. NASA/Bridget Caswell

Official portrait of Carlos Garcia-Galan, deputy manager for the Gateway Program.

NASA/Bridget Caswell

Saturday Events: Symposium Presentations

Saturday, April 19, 2025

Attire: Business Casual

(Tentatively) 8:30am-4:00pm: Student presentations all day. 

A final presentation timeline will be available for download on this website 1-week out from event.

The presentation timeline and abstract booklet will be emailed to all RSVPs.

Student presenting at the 2018 Symposium.

Event Location

Building: SkySong, the ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center

Address: 1201-1475 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

Parking Instructions: Free on site.

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