Submitting a Timesheet in BeeBole

Interns must submit timesheets to the BeeBole payroll system before 10:00 am on Friday at the end of each pay period (every other week). Space Grant manager, Michelle Coe, will review and approve internship hours for pay. Mentors will be sent their intern's hours claimed to provide verification and approval for hours worked.

1. Interns that have not registered and used the BeeBole system before will receive login information via their U of A email address directly from BeeBole. For Space Grant interns that have used the BeeBole system prior to their internship, go to and use your login credentials to sign in.

2. On the BeeBole Home page, you will see a space to input your daily work hours. Under Timesheet, use the front and back arrows next to "Today" to make sure you are entering time on the correct dates.


3. Enter your time for each day that you worked. Note, you do not have to add digital notes to your hours, this is optional. You do not have to submit vacation or sick leave, this is not applicable for student workers. And you do not have to enter 0 for days you did not work.


4. Go to "record your time on"...Select Project: All Companies and Projects...then select: Working Time.



5. And finally, make sure you click "Send for Approval" to submit your hours. Note that you have to do this for each week of your 2-week submission. If you don't click "Send for Approval" for each week of work, your time will not be submitted and you risk not receiving pay for those hours.

Additional Notes: If you have another job in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory or Steward Observatory, you can find it by scrolling down and looking under the next section, "Team Calendar". If you have another U of A job that is outside of those two departments, use UAccess to enter your hours as you would normally.