Space Grant Degree Completion Form

For Spring 2025 Graduating Students Only

This form is to be completed the same semester you plan to graduate and not before. To be eligible to receive a Space Grant graduation stole, you must (1) file for degree candidacy at your high school, university, or college, (2) complete/submit this web form, and (3) *coordinate with your local Space Grant office to receive a stole.

All Arizona NASA Space Grant students that successfully complete ASCEND Scholarships, Undergraduate Research Internships and/or Graduate Fellowships are eligible to receive a custom-made Arizona NASA Space Grant stole to wear at their graduation ceremony. These stoles are our way of saying, “Congratulations!” and to promote your NASA Space Grant achievements to your schools, friends, and families. The short form used to apply for a stole also helps us track your anticipated "next steps" after completing your degree program, including working towards additional academic degrees, entering the workforce, etc.

Stoles will be distributed to graduating seniors attending the AZ Space Grand Student Research Symposium on April 18, 2025 in Tempe, AZ. For any Spring 2025 graduating seniors not attending that event, ASU, ERAU, NAU, and UA students should contact their local Space Grant office to coordinate picking up a stole. For all other schools (i.e., ASCEND participants that don't have a local Space Grant office) please contact Michelle Coe (PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnpucGJyQG5ldm1iYW4ucnFoIj56bnBickBuZXZtYmFuLnJxaDwvbj4=) with your home address to receive a stole in the mail.

General Information
If you've already received a Space Grant sash, then please use our 'Tracking Form' instead:
Degree Information
(i.e., High School, AS, BS, MS, PhD)
(i.e., what was your major? Physics, Engineering, Aerospace, etc.)
This form is to be submitted the same semester you plan to graduate and not before.
After graduation, do you plan to pursue an additional degree?
Additional Degree Information
(i.e., BS, MS, PhD)
(i.e. physics, mechanical engineering, etc.)
If 'yes' but your decision is not finalized, please tell us what you intend to do.
After graduation, do you plan to enter the workforce?
Workforce Information
City, State (if international please list country; if remote please list where you will be residing).
If 'yes' but your decision is not finalized, please tell us what you intend to do.
Do you have other plans after graduation that don't involve an additional degree or entering the workforce?
If 'yes' but your decision is not finalized, please tell us what you intend to do.