Space Grant Internships Leads to Science Writing Dream Job and a Lot of Fun In 1998-99, Thomas Stauffer was awarded a UA/NASA Space Grant Science Writing Internship at the Arizona Daily Star--Arizona's second largest newspaper. This experience led to the career of his dreams Read more
Image Intern Designing the "New Space Shuttle" at Boeing Germán Fuentes, a 1999-00 Space Grant intern for Dr. Lesser graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering in 2002. We were very pleased to receive a note from him this Read more
Image Space Grant Intern Artist Helps Scientists Envision Titan UA Space Grant Intern Mark Robertson-Tessi, along with mentor Ralph Lorenz, have been exploring Titan, Saturn's largest satellite. Specifically, Mark's internship has involved studying the landscape of Titan, then rendering Read more
Image National Space Grant Student Satellite Program The Arizona Space Grant Consortium is working to spearhead a National Space Grant Student Satellite Program. Across America, Space Grant students are learning from the ground up—literally—by designing, building, flying Read more
Image From Space Grant Internship to a Post Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 1992-93 Intern Warren Brown, and AZSGC's first student to attend the NASA Academy at Goddard, recently reported: "I'm at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, now a post-doctoral Fellow. I'm working Read more
Image UA Intern in Driver's Seat of Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Chris Lewicki, was a 1993-94 Arizona Space Grant Intern, and a 1997-1999 Graduate Fellow--not to mention the first student manager of the UA Space Grant Student Satellite Program. He now Read more
Image Launching UA Students from Research Labs to America's High Tech Workforce The Arizona Space Grant Consortium is particularly proud of our statewide fellowships programs. From 1994 to 2002, 999 undergraduate students have participated in mentor-guided research internships in leading-edge scientific programs Read more
Image Jenna Root Awarded 1st Place at the UA Student Showcase University of Arizona Space Grant Undergraduate Research Intern Jenna Root (2005-06) was awarded 1st Place for her poster at the UA Student Showcase 2006. She competed in the Undergraduate Student Read more