How to Make a Meal on the Moon
When Shelley Littin, 2010 UA/NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Research Intern and 2011 Intern Advisor, graduated from UA in May, 2014, she was quickly hired as a science writer by the iPlant Collaborative. In the current (January-February 2015) issue of Edible Baja Arizona magazine, Shelley's article "How to Make a Meal on the Moon", describes the UA Lunar Greenhouse team's prototype Lunar Greenhouse (LGH) and bioregenerative life support system development efforts, showcasing the work of Erica Hernandez (2012 UA Space Grant Intern and 2014 Intern Advisor). The LGH research, partially funded through a NASA Space Grant/Steckler Space Colonization grant, describes the UA Controlled Environment Agriculture Center's efforts to help NASA understand how food could be grown in a real greenhouse for future moon/Mars colonies, and in extreme environments here on Earth. Congratulations on your work and accomplishments, Erica and Shelley!