Eric Kiang Tse, 2001 NAU Space Grant Intern

Former NASA Space Grant Intern Eric Kiang Tse became aware of the vast opportunities available to undergraduates through this program and engaged himself to build on his growing appreciation for the veracity of scientific investigation. He enthusiastically completed a search for Kuiper Belt Objects under the guidance of Dr. Andy Odell and presented results at the Colloquium for NASA Space Grant Interns in 2002. "To gain practical knowledge allowing for scientific contribution is one of the many, priceless benefits offered by this program". Upon graduation in 2005 he was offered an 'Accelerator Systems Operator' position at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC); a National Research Lab run by Stanford University for the Dept. of Energy. Currently the 'Engineering Operator in Charge' (EOIC); he is responsible for maintaining safety, expediting physics programs, guiding operators in troubleshooting the Accelerator and e- beam tuning, assisting Physicists with Accelerator measurements, coordinating Technicians and Engineers while fixing hardware, providing support, presenting daily reports,etc... All of which is necessary to provide the highest quality, brightest, shortest pulse and wavelength, X-Ray Free Electron Laser to experimental users at the only facility in the world that is capable of providing such unprecedented photon beams: the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC.