ERAU Space Grant Intern Goes from CubeSats to ISS

Arizona Space Grant Intern Brandon Wagner, a 2012 graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Prescott, Arizona, has been hired as the ISS Payload Integration Manager for The Boeing Company. At ERAU, he was awarded FY 2011 and 2012 Space Grant Undergraduate Research Internships to lead a student team to develop Embry-Riddle’s first CubeSat. He authored a successful NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative proposal, and oversaw the early development work. Now, while his Space Grant successors continue spacecraft development and work toward a projected fall 2015 ERAU CubeSat launch, Brandon himself was "launched" into our nation’s aerospace workforce. Brandon noted that his employers said that his work with Space Grant and small satellites at ERAU made him especially attractive for his current position.